Here you will see frequently asked questions, if you don't find the answer to your question, please contact us

Are the photos of your girls real?

Yes, the photos are 100% original from our authentic environment which you can see when you come to the ladies. All are renewed once every 2 months.

How to find out which lady works where?

The ladies use short-term rentals, so they have 2 different addresses, for each lady in the profile you can find which day she works.

Can you pay by card?

Unfortunately only in cash.

Are the "interests" listed truthfully in the profile?

Yes, ladies fill out their own profile and we firmly believe that it is in their own interest to maintain a profile according to reality.

Is it possible to contact the girl directly?

The girls take turns on the phone and make reservations, it is not possible to contact the lady directly or interfere in any way with her privacy.